I met this guy at the gym today. He had pain in his knees on a scale of 9 (high level pain) out of 10 (extreme pain). I was on the elliptical when I spotted him walking in my direction. I could tell he was about to leave but because I had heard God say that healing was in the room, I jumped off my elliptical and started a conversation with this man. I ended up testifying about recent healings that I have seen recently and asked him if I could record his healing take place. I just knew God was going to heal him at 100%. He was all in and praised Jesus for the healing after we were done praying. God is amazing. #Jesus #healer #healing #God #christiantiktok #freedomnow #superfocusprayer #fyp #houston #houstontx #gym #reels #prophetic #propheticevangelism #health #fitness #healthesick #Godaventures #adventures #bible #scripture #peace
Cool thing happened last month: A beautiful lady asked me to take a picture for her and I used this as an opportunity to prophesy over her and her family plus take the picture. A guy nearby witnessed this plus myself and others going through my book, Super Activations for Prophetic Evangelism. He asked us what we were doing out and about and before we knew it we were praying and prophesying over this guy too. He asked me where he could get my book afterwards and I happened to have one on me so he bought it right then and there. I thought that was pretty cool! This book will stretch you! Interested in our next prophetic evangelism popup? Register here: www.freedomnowllc.as.me Get activated in prophetic evangelism and more: @Olawunmi.tv (Facebook + Instagram) Buy Super Activations for Prophetic Evangelism here: https://linktr.ee/olawunmi.tv + see links in bio 😊. #prophetic #fyp #evangelism #prayer #prophecy #propheticevangelism #powerevangelism #fuego
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