Yesterday was my dad’s birthday! We celebrated at home with a dance and then by going out to a donut shop that gives out a dozen FREE donuts every year for your birthday.
I prayed with the lady who helped my dad and I with our donuts and gave her a prophetic word and told her to connect with me for more prayer via my card. The card has a QR code in the back that connects people straight to my prayer group Super Focus Prayer. The goal is for people who I pray with to actually go deeper with the Lord and get discipled.
As we were heading out, a guy spotted me and asked me to pray for him too. I heard the word “repentance” for him and began to talk to him about turning away from stuff that doesn’t please God and to turn to Him. I prayed for him to receive Christ and for him to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I gave him my prayer card as well as a card to connect with my church. I felt like he also really needed men in his life who really follow Jesus! Getting plugged into community is super important.
I have never experienced anyone reach out to me for prayer like this guy did at the donut shop. He was so desperate for prayer and he knew he needed change!😭😭😭 As I was leaving he even asked me to pray “Our Father in Heaven” over him 😭😭😭.
Every person we come into contact is so important to God.
So important.
After the donut shop my dad and I got bagels from a nearby bagel shop. God highlighted the woman behind the counter and we talked a bit and I shared a prophetic word with her. I gave her my prayer card and she also let me know that I can put my card on the bulletin board with all the other cards.
My prayer is that souls will be saved with that card!
For with God nothing will impossible.
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