Well… I was standing in front of a coffee stand in a market. There was no clear line and it was hard to tell where it started. From where I was standing, it appeared as if a guy was positioning himself ahead of me to order next. I opened my mouth and let this guy know I was waiting in line.
Let’s call this guy Brave.
Brave let me know that he saw me and everything was good. I asked him if he was a part of the conference I was attending. He said no then asked me what kind of conference I was attending. I told him I was there for a conference where people connect with God pretty much. Before I knew it we were deep in conversation about God and trauma he had experienced in his past. He told me that he was a former believer and a current Atheist due to losing his child. This and another significant event caused him to no longer believe in God.
The barista was ready for someone to order next and I told Brave to go ahead and order before me.
He asked for an Oatmeal Vanilla Latte.
As soon as he asked for this, I felt like God was telling me: “Make that two”.
So, I ordered two and told Brave that his coffee was on me. Really, the coffee was on God. I could feel God’s presence in the middle of our conversation and I felt strongly that God wanted me to release prophetic words over Brave. I listened and we chatted until the barista finished up our coffee. Once our coffee was ready, I asked Brave if I could lay hands on him and pray for him.
He laughed somewhere in the middle of our conversation and said: “People like you are drawn to me – an atheist”.
laughed back at him and told him that I loved him and more than anything Jesus
loved him.
He said yes to prayer.
I laid hands on him, prayed, and also shared what I felt was on God’s heart for Brave and some of what he shared with me about losing his child. He thanked me and I initiated a “cheers” with my coffee cup, which he responded to. I felt honored that Brave would let me pray for him. You should have seen the smile on his face when he got his coffee.
These are a few things I learned/was reminded of from this experience:
1) God doesn’t give up on His children. Remember how Brave said others like myself are drawn to him. Well, God will continue to send more people like me who are willing to speak life over him 😉.
God is compassionate and truly cared about the trauma Brave experienced.
3) God loves to bless people. This reminded me of a time last year when I was at a pizza place and the guy ahead of me blessed me with a meal and later prophesied over me, speaking important promises that I am still holding on to.
For my praying people: Please lift Brave up in prayer (God knows his real name). Pray that God heals all the trauma and pain. Pray for forgiveness to flow in every aspect of his life. Pray for full restoration and breakthrough. Pray for God’s purposes and plans to come to pass in his life. Pray for anyone who has lost a child and is having a hard time trusting and believing God.
Originally posted on October 31st on Facebook and
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